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Story: The Minister’s Insight: Embracing Life’s Twists

In the royal court of King Akbar, his trusted minister, Birbal, was renowned for his honesty and deep devotion to God. With a mind as clean and strong as his beliefs, Birbal often shared the mantra, “Whatever God does, He does it only for good.” However, King Akbar, though hearing these words from his minister, held a skeptical view.

One fateful day, misfortune struck when the king cut his thumb. In pain, he shared the news with Birbal, expecting sympathy. True to his faith, Birbal confidently replied, “Whatever God does, He does it only for good.” The king, angered by this response, threatened Birbal with punishment unless he changed his stance. Despite the threat, Birbal stood firm, leading to the king’s fury. In his anger, the king threw Birbal into prison.

The following morning, King Akbar ventured into a dense forest for a hunting expedition. Separated from his retinue, he faced danger as a group of tribals attacked him, intending to sacrifice him at their temple. Blindfolded and ready for sacrifice, the chief noticed the king’s bruised thumb. Decreeing him unfit, the chief ordered the king’s release.

Fleeing for his life, the king hurried to the prison where Birbal, his minister, was confined. Begging for forgiveness, Akbar shared the harrowing story, acknowledging that whatever God does, He does it only for good. However, a lingering doubt remained. The king questioned Birbal, asking how God could be considered good for having him, his trusted minister, thrown into prison.

Without hesitation, Birbal explained, “If not for the prison, I would have accompanied you on the hunting trip. Deemed unfit for sacrifice, they would have chosen me instead. So, by God’s grace, I was placed in prison, and my life was spared.” Akbar, filled with joy, and Birbal, his faithful minister, both echoed in unison, “Whatever God does, He does only for good.” And so, the king learned to trust in the mysterious ways of God, guided by the wisdom and devotion of his trusted minister, Birbal.

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